We Love You, Too

Details of the day 'o fun

Please let us know if you would like to participate! — click here

This is a FREE event

When and where
Sunday, February 15th, Noon-1 PM (or 'til the guac runs out), in front of Toby's

Please arrive by 11:30 AM to set up and register
(if you come late it means less votes for you!)

What to bring

  • Yourself
  • One large bowl of your prize guac
  • One large bowl for your chips
  • One large (1 lb) bag of chips — either white or yellow corn tortilla chips — they may be salted or unsalted, but they must be plain (no fancy flavors)
  • 50 little squares of paper, approximately 2" x 2", with your own personal logo of choice.  These tokens will sit next to your bowl for people to select and drop into the voting urn if they deem your guac to be the best — See examples from a prior year

Guac guidelines
The only requirement is the presence of ten (10) avocados — the rest is your interpretation

Prepare your guac beforehand, ready to be consumed

Participants are encouraged to come up with an alias for themselves and a name for their guac

Participants may furnish a little placard to place next to their guac (keep it smallish, please)

Participants may furnish a little container to hold their tokens for the voting

Participants may present their bowl of guac within a sculptural setting of their own creation (again, keep the footprint smallish so as to allow space on the table for the other entrants)

Winner must make a speech

Winner must return next year with the guac crown, to defend the crown, and must relinquish the crown to the winner if they fail to come out on top

Who wins
Judging will be done by passersby — no shills or ballot stuffing!
Also, no hovering! — please keep a discrete distance from your guac.
We'll tally the votes and announce the winner around 1:15 PM

Rules for tasters
If you taste, you must vote
No double dipping
Vote for one only, chose your favorite, based on whatever criteria you want
Pick up the token in front of your favorite guac, and put it into the voting urn

The prize
The Guac Crown, plus the pleasure of the confirmation — since you knew it all along — that your guac is the best in town!

Questions?  Call (415) 717-0918, or email: guacoff@gmail.com